What are bots and why make one?

Simply defined, bots are software that can conduct automated interactions with people in real time. Instead of making an entire app, you can now make a bot for any popular platforms such as Facebook or Telegram to interact, engage and even transact with your users.

If you have a business, you are bound to have your own FB page or a slack account. Making a bot on one of these platform can help your business in numerous ways-

  • Direct and personal interaction between your brand and customer
  • A single bot can interact with Android, iOS and Web users. No need to spend on apps for three different platforms
  • Easily Discoverable
  • E24×7 real-time interactions irrespective of location and time-zone of customers
  • EBots can help slim down Live Chat and other CRM teams
  • EB2B business apps face retention problem. Making a bot can prove more useful instead
  • EBots can also offer push messages through FB messenger, Telegram etc. making it a great marketing tool
  • EBots can display images, links and CTA buttons, providing a rich experience
  • EBots are one form of Artificial Intelligence. The sooner a business starts with AI, the better

3w-outsource has deep understanding about the basic technologies that goes into the bot development process. Our developers have worked on a myriad of automated features across hundred of apps. With a consolidated experience of 6+ years, bot development comes naturally to us. We have set our strides high for bot development and want to give quality bot development services to businesses irrespective of any industry.

If you have a bot development requirement, you can drop an inquiry or mail us at info@3w-outsource.com. Our business development team will connect to you within 24 hours.